0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 23, 2010 2:59 AM by vasukihn

    How to pass search field value?



      I have a scenario where i want to display a search field called contractNo in Customer page.
      We have 2 tables Customer and Contract of 1 to many relation respectively. According to this relation we have got entity class.

      contractNo is a property in Contract class. In Customer class we have a contract property of type List.

      public class Customer implements java.io.Serializable {
              private String connectionTerminatingDevice;
              private String backupAccessMethod;
              private List<Contract> contracts = new ArrayList<Contract>(0);

      public class Contract implements java.io.Serializable {
              private Date endDate;
              private String inxSupportNo;
              private String contractNo;

      I will display a contractNo search field in CustomerList.xhtml file. How do we take the input value from the field to CustomerList.java for search query?