0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 3, 2010 11:19 AM by jethroborsje.j.borsje.dji.minjus.nl

    How to destroy Page component


      Hi all,

      I am trying to destroy / unbind a page scoped component. I have found the component I want to destory and tried the following:


      Where pageComponent is a reference to the Seam Component class whose instance I want to destroy; instance is the instance of a class with the @Name annotation which I want to destroy.

      Somehow the @Destroy method of my component is called, but it is not really gone. Because the next time I call my page the @Create method is not called, instead I am looking at data of the previous time this page has been shown.

      The reason I want to do this by hand is because the Seam PAGE scoped components are not compatible with a4j:include.

      Best regards,