1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 24, 2010 11:49 AM by scphantm.scphantm.gmail.com

    evaluating el expression in backing bean


      i need to convert my messages in my app to a hybrid of some in the languages file and some in the database so customers can change the text on their screens when they want to.  if the entry is not in the database, it has to default to the text in the language file.  im going to do it in a session bean where the session bean sends down the text that will be used for the labels in the xhtml.

      so basically my psudo code looks like this

      if (dbvalue != null){
      returnvalue = dbvalue;
      } else {
      returnvalue = messages.zipcode;

      all is easy but what would the code be for the messages.zipcode part so that it will go to the language file and pull the text?