0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 12, 2010 1:45 PM by notify

    Accessing @DataModel (List) in Seam POJO - Always null


      Carrying on from yesterday's problem.

      I have a Seam POJO;

      public class ImagesBean implements Serializable, NOTiFYPiNPOiNTConstants {
           private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
           private List <Postcards> postcardsList;     

      The DateModel - postcardsList is created and populated in my Stateless EJB;

      private List <Postcards> postcardsList;


      public final void getPostCardsByDomain() {
          Query query = entityManager.createQuery(GET_POSTCARDS_BY_DOMAIN);
          query.setParameter(ONE, this.getDomain(credentials.getUsername()));
          this.postcardsList = query.getResultList();
          log.info(">>>>> getPostCardsByDomain postcardsList.size = " + postcardsList.size()); // Shows the x number of postCard entities

      The Facelet (XHTML) is populated with all the data from 'postcardsList'.

      But when the Facelet calls a method my Seam POJO and I try to get the 'postcardsList' it is always null.

      Any suggestions why the 'postcardsList' is not being injected?
