1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 15, 2010 6:43 AM by vata2999

    target unreachable, modalPanel selection


      I'm newbie in seam
      I've designed an entity (movie) that has many one to one relationship with another
      Entity (Member)
      i have a register form that user selects a member and fill the movie attribute but
      i can't bind movieAction.movie.producerId
      i've got this exception

      movie target unrechable 

      can any one help me how i can implement this form ?
      I would appreciate if somebody suggest a better way


      Movie movie;
      //getter/setter movie
      public void registerMovie(){


      Member producerId;
      Member directorId;
      //getter / setter

      there is a modalPanel that user selects member and set component member to movie registration form

      <h:inputText value="#{movieAction.movie.producerId}" />