1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 21, 2010 12:02 AM by tony.herstell1

    Integrating Drools Ruleflow


      Has anyone successfully integrated ruleflow in with seam? Or looked into doing this? I'm just wondering about replacing my jbpm processes with ruleflow processes. I have used jbpm in a couple of projects and as soon as your processes become complex it can be hard work to make jbpm work. Drools ruleflow appears to provide a lot more of the functionality that I am looking for.

      Basically I would like to be able to use the existing annotations @CreateProcess, @StartTask etc etc to hook in with ruleflow.

      I have started looking into replacing some of the seam jbpm components such as TaskInstance, ProcessInstance, BusinessProcess etc but before I get too far into it was just wondering what others thought
