1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 31, 2010 6:16 AM by assem

    about destroying seam component and @Asynchronous call


      Hi all, i was wondering about 2 things:

      1. how to destroy a seam component already in the context using a remote way??

      2. how can we stop/kill @Asynchronous call of a method that is still runing ??       
      for example a method like this :       

              public void start(@Expiration Date when, @IntervalCron String interval) {               
                      //Do instructions for each IntervalCron


        • 1. Re: about destroying seam component and @Asynchronous call

          in my processor :

                  public QuartzTriggerHandle start(@Expiration Date when, @IntervalCron String CRON_INTERVAL) {               
                          //Do instructions for each IntervalCron

          and then call the processor :

          QuartzTriggerHandle handle =processor.start(new Date(), CRON_INTERVAL);

          working!! oups !! : )