1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 31, 2011 8:06 PM by kragoth

    How to display a Richfaces tree with folder(node) contains  file and another folder(node)


      I tried to display a simple Richfaces  tree and SEAM.  it is working. the code is front end code.

              <h:panelGrid columns="2" width="100%" columnClasses="col1,col2">  
                  <rich:tree style="width:300px" nodeSelectListener="#{simpleTreeBean.processSelection}"   
                      value="#{simpleTreeBean.treeNode}" var="item" ajaxKeys="#{null}">  
                  <h:outputText escape="false" value="Selected Node: #{simpleTreeBean.nodeTitle}" id="selectedNode" />  

      My Link

      But I am supposed to display a Richfaces tree with folder(node) contains  file and another folder(node).

      Folder A has a file A.1 and another Folder B
      Folder A-
               - Folder B -File B.1
      - File A.1

      What changes I have to make to my front end code?