1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 28, 2011 1:43 AM by coenos

    Seam Generate Entities Problem

      Hi there, i am trying to use desing a Seam Web Site using this scenario:


      The site create fine,

      Then create Entities througth Seam Generate Entities, as result the entities, xhtml and xml files asociated to each Entities are created fine. Even, get HQL results from the database that are goods.
      Just a change needed to define serial identifier in the Entities .java files.

      ex: private static final long serialVersionUID  1L

      All fine till here, BUT when deploy to the JBoss Server, the site is not deploye and recieve a secuence of errors in Eclipse console:

      11:58:55,898 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] could not get database metadata: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown table system_sequences in information_schema

      Some help !!
      Thanks a lot !!
        • 1. Re: Seam Generate Entities Problem

          Against what schema did you run the Seam gen?

          I seems you also have objects that were created from the informationschema (the mysql database internal schema).

          Try to create the tables in a separate schema for instance jdbc:mysql:http://localhost/MY
          DATABASE to make sure your app does not run against the internal schema.

          Hope this helps,