1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 8, 2011 6:36 AM by lvdberg

    Simple Toggle Panel with rich datable.Menu Items are not displaying



      I am using a rich datatable inside simple toggle panel.If the datable have more columns then a scroll bar appears and my menu items are not displaying.In case of no scroll bar, everything is working fine.

      Here is the code snippet for rich column.

      <rich:simpleTogglePanel switchType="client">
                <f:facet name="header">
                     <h:outputText value="#{satelliteDef.listType}"></h:outputText>
                <rich:dataTable value="#{satelliteDef.rowData}" var="rowObj"
                                    rowClasses="rowOdd, rowEven" width="100%"
      <rich:column rendered="#{satelliteDef.rowDataExists}">
                          <f:facet name="header">
                               Menu Items
                          <rich:dropDownMenu style="float:left;" direction="bottom:left" >
                               <c:forEach items="#{satelliteDef.templateMenuItems}" var="menuObj">
                                    <rich:menuItem rendered="#{menuObj.getVisibility(rowObj)}" >
                                         <a href="#{menuObj.link}#{rowObj.queryString}"><h:outputText
                               <f:facet name="label">
                                    <h:graphicImage value="/WEB-INF/resources/sectionbarmenu.gif"

      Thanks & Regards
