0 Replies Latest reply on May 30, 2011 4:11 PM by scope_talka

    Hibernate Search


      ^Can someone help with the following problem(Hibernate Search)? I keep getting bunch of errors every time I run the app. Here is the class.

      @Name( "userDao" )
      @Scope( ScopeType.STATELESS )
      public class UserDAO {
           private final EntityManager em;
           @In FullTextEntityManager fem;
           public UserDAO() {
                em = ( EntityManager )Component.getInstance( "entityManager", true );
           @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
           public List<User> searchUsers( final String text ) {
                final Query query;
                try {
                     FullTextEntityManager fem = Search.getFullTextEntityManager( em );
                  query = fem.createFullTextQuery( getLuceneQuery( text ), User.class );
                  return query.getResultList();
              } catch ( ParseException ex ) {
                  log.error( "search error", ex );
                  return null;
           private org.apache.lucene.search.Query getLuceneQuery( final String queryString ) throws ParseException {
                try {
                    Map<String, Float> boostPerField = new HashMap<String, Float>( 2 );
                    boostPerField.put( "subject", (float) 4 );
                    boostPerField.put( "description", (float) 1 );
                    String[] searchFields = { "subject", "description" };
                    QueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser( Version.LUCENE_31, searchFields, new StandardAnalyzer( Version.LUCENE_31 ), boostPerField );
                    parser.setDefaultOperator( QueryParser.Operator.OR );
                    org.apache.lucene.search.Query luceneQuery = null;
                    luceneQuery = parser.parse( queryString );
                    return luceneQuery;
                } catch ( ParseException ex ) {
                   return null;
      Basially, injecting the FullTextEntityManager isn't working, I need the method(searchUsers) to return list of user objects and when I run the app I get the following error.
      ( @In attribute requires non-null value: userDao.fem )

      someone please help!!!