0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 8, 2011 7:44 AM by djoul

    Filtered List in Rich Datatable


      Hi !

      I have a problem ...

      I don't know how to filter a list with parameters in my view .xhtml.
      This filter depend of the column and the row of my rich:dataTable where the list must be viewed.

      For example : for the column 4 and the row 5, I have to list the datas of my table with a condition like "Where column_id = 4 and row_id = 5".

      I don't know how to proceed ...

          <rich:dataTable id="calendrierList" var="_calendrier" value="#{calendrier}" rowKeyVar="row">
              <!-- Here it's to get the days of the current month and create each row -->        
                  <f:facet name="header">
                     <h:outputText value="Jour" />
                  <ui:repeat var="jours" value="#{_calendrier}">
                       <h:outputText value="#{jours.jourCal}" />
              <rich:columns value="#{personList.resultList}" var="persons" index="ind" id="persons#{ind}">
              <!-- Here it's to create columns with datas from persons table -->
                      <f:facet name="header">
                          <h:outputText value="#{persons.personSurname} #{persons.personName}" />
              <!-- And here it's the place where I have to list tasks from my table with the conditions #{row} and #{persons.personId}  

      Someone could help me to solve this problem ?

      Ask me if you need further informations, or if it's not understandable.
