1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 28, 2011 11:50 PM by sam777

    Access roles(memberOf attribute) from Active Directory?


      Hi guys,

      Did anyone succeed in retrieving roles from active directory(AD) using 'memeberOf' attribute?

      If yes, can you shed some light on how this is done?

      BTW, I worked out how to do authentication against AD already with the thread

         http://www.seamframework.org/Community/IdentityManagementActiveDirectory and

      It's the authorization I am having problem with.

      My working code that does only authentication is like:

      public class ActiveDirectoryLdapIdentityStore extends LdapIdentityStore {
              private static final long serialVersionUID = -1250675501823301128L;
              public void init()      {
                  setServerAddress("myorg.co.nz"); // 
                  setBindDN("CN=MyName,OU=MYORG Users,DC=MYORG,DC=co,DC=nz");
                  setBindCredentials( "welcome777" ); // swap in real password
                  setUserContextDN("OU=MOEST Users,DC=moest,DC=govt,DC=nz");
                  // this is required else authentication exception when listing roles with IdentityStore.listRoles();
                  setRoleContextDN("OU=MYORG Users,DC=myorg,DC=co,DC=nz");  
                  setUserRoleAttribute( "memberOf" );
              protected String getUserDN(String username)
                      return String.format("%s%s%s", getUserDNPrefix(), username, "@"+getUserDNSuffix());

      Am I right to assume that to be able to retrieve value of memberOf attribute, the user I used to login (i.e. setBindDN(..) above) needs to have admin right in context specified by user-context-dn attribute, whose value is set in setUserContextDN(...)?

      Thanks in advance


        • 1. Re: Access roles(memberOf attribute) from Active Directory?

          Just to answer my own question so it may help others. The user used to login doesn't need to have admin right. Just a user account for the sole purpose of connecting to AD.

          The trick of doing authorization is to retrieve a list of roles granted to user like:

            adStore.getGrantedRoles( username );

          where adStore is a custom class that extends LdapIdentityStore.

          Assuming the location or distinguished name of the group that holds all secruity roles is: "OU=Security,OU=MyOrg Groups,DC=org,DC=nz" (one can find out this value using a tool 'ADSI Edit' in windows xp/2003)

          Then to list all security roles, the custom class needs to set the following properties like:


          `setRoleContextDN("OU=Security,OU=MyOrg Groups,DC=org,DC=nz");
            setRoleObjectClass( new String[]{ "group" }  ); // this is always group
            setRoleNameAttribute( "name" ); // this is always name`

          The in your authenticator class Authenticator.java, all roles can be listed like:

            List<String> roles = adStore.listRoles();

          Note the roles returned by adStore.getGrantedRoles has to be a subset of

          That's all. Good luck.

