1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 29, 2011 7:39 PM by cosmo

    Problems using an action and view in an s:link


      I'm using Seam 2.0.1. I have this piece of code in my xhtml page:

      <s:link id="done" action="#{referralController.markAsUnread}" view="/hub/main.xhtml"   propagation="none" title="#{messages.referralSummaryDone}">
          <h:graphicImage url="/img/button/done.gif" styleClass="image-button"/>

      I have a checkbox elsewhere on the page tied to a boolean in the backing bean. When the user clicks the button I want to check for this booleans value and make changes to the record accordingly. However the bean seems to be getting trashed at some point after I click the checkbox and before my function tied to the action is called. All the values in the bean have reverted to whatever they are declared as initially (false, null, etc.). I'm not sure if this is a problem with the link element or if it's some kind of scope problem with the bean. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.