0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2011 6:14 PM by viajero

    Resource don't work fine


      Y have a problem with this Code

      public class ReporteBean implements Reporte{
              Log log;
              Identity identity;
              @Resource(mappedName = Constantes.DATA_SOURCE)
              protected DataSource dataSource;
              public ReporteBean() {
              public void crearArchivo() {
                      Connection conn = null;
                      try {
                              conn = dataSource.getConnection();
                      } catch (Exception e) {
                              log.error(" ================= ERROR en ReporteBean.crearPdf ", e);
                      } finally {
                              try {
                                      if (conn != null) conn.close();
                              } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                                      log.error(" ========================= ERROR AL CERRAR LA CONNECCION CON LA BASE DE DATOS ReporteBean.crearPdf ", sqle);

      When I Call Method crearArchivo() from regionList y have a NullPointerException in this line: conn = dataSource.getConnection(); but I have another Class like This

      public class ReportesFtBean extends ReporteBean implements ReportesFt {
              public ReportesFtBean() {
              public void listadoRegiones() {

      And When i call method from listadoRegiones() it works fine, somebody may explain me where is the error, I would call method from regionList(), because I need make more reports.

      thanks in advance for your help.