0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 8, 2011 1:03 AM by vata2999

    combobox Value is not valid



      I have 2 combobox that one of them fill based on another, everything works fine but after i select the second combobox and submit the form, i get this error :  value is not valid


      <h:selectOneMenu value="#{requestType}" onchange="this.form.submit()">
          <s:selectItems value="#{requestTypeQuery.resultList}" var="_reqType" label="#{_reqType.title}"  noLabelSelection="-- Please Select --" />
      <h:selectOneMenu value="#{requestHome.instance.requestTypeItem}">
          <s:selectItems value="#{requestTypeItemQuery.resultList}" var="_req" label="#{_req.title}"  noLabelSelection="-- Please Select --" />


      RESTRICTION = {"rti.requestType = #{requestType}"}

      I notice when the form is posted the second combobox turn to null i think something is wrong with requestType seam instance

      WDYT ?

      PS : requestType is a seam component instance from Entity Class RequestType which is defined in component.xml