4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 23, 2011 3:58 AM by vata2999

    display selected item on selectonelistbox using s:convertEntity


      I'm trying to solve this problem before I try to fit it into my app.  I've got an object (axe) and I've got an owner (axeOwner) I want the object to be associated with an owner.  All is well until I try to render the selectonelistbox that correctly displays the current owner for the axe.  I can populate the list using the following snippet.

      <s:decorate id="ownerField" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
          <ui:define name="label">Owner</ui:define>
                size="1" >
                      noSelectionLabel="Select an Owner"

      However I cannot get it to display the already selected item as a default in the list.  The convert entity tag helps get the correct display and allows the user to select an owner just fine.  Is there a technique that I can use to display the selected value on render?

        • 1. Re: display selected item on selectonelistbox using s:convertEntity

          I've come up with a solution to my problem. . . sort of.  I set the noSelectionLabel to be the instance owner name which gives me the display output that I need but seems to be a hack.  Then my problem turns into how to render the same page to create a new axe but not be forced to select an owner.  I ended up creating two listboxes and conditionally rendering them so that I can render a selection when there is one but allow the user to create a new axe without picking an owner.  This is how I did it.

          <s:decorate id="ownerField" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
               <ui:define name="label">Owner</ui:define>
               <h:selectOneListbox rendered="#{axeHome.instance.owner ne null}"
               <h:selectOneListbox rendered="#{axeHome.instance.owner eq null}"
                         noSelectionLabel="Select Owner"

          The axe and axeOwner classes are simple entities:

          public class Axe implements Serializable
              private Long id;
              private Integer version;
              private String name;
              private String history;
              private AxeOwner owner;
              ... getters and setters ...
          public class AxeOwner implements Serializable
              private Long id;
              private Integer version;
              private String name;
              ... getters and setters ...

          This solution may work in my application but it seems like a hack.  It seems strange that the select attribute of the list items isn't triggered.  I was hoping someone would explain this to me but I had to figure it out for myself.  Is there anywhere that is more active for this sort of thing than this forum?

          • 2. Re: display selected item on selectonelistbox using s:convertEntity

            Don't use the itemValue property of the s:selectItems tag, s:convertEntity should handle that for you (if you put #{axeOwner} there, it should evaluate it to the class toString() method, which is not what s:convertEntity expects.

            See the documentation section which gives an example of how s:convertEntity should be used. Note the usage example given:

            <h:selectOneMenu value="#{person.continent}" required="true">
              <s:selectItems value="#{continents.resultList}" var="continent" 
                              noSelectionLabel="Please Select..."/>
               <s:convertEntity />

            • 3. Re: display selected item on selectonelistbox using s:convertEntity

              Emir is right. but this is not the solution for this problem.
              I have the same trouble. and I couldn't find any solution except Sean did.

              @Sean , have you found any new solution for this stituation.


              • 4. Re: display selected item on selectonelistbox using s:convertEntity

                have u tried to begin conversation in order to set axOwner it perfectly works for me


                public List getResultList(){