5 Replies Latest reply on Jun 5, 2013 4:39 AM by mr_kapa_23

    JBPM Guvnor- TOMCAT Integration


      Hi Everyone,


                In JBPM 5.2 we are deploying the jbpm process definitions in JBOSS AS server, likewise is it possible to do the deployment in TOMCAT server.


      Please give me the solution. Please provide the document if you have, to deploy the same and TOMCAT as deployment tool for JBPM.





        • 1. Re: JBPM Guvnor- TOMCAT Integration

          Hi Mahi. These are the steps I used to deploy guvnor and designer into guvnor:

          - Download Guvnor: http://download.jboss.org/drools/release/5.3.0.Final/guvnor-distribution-5.3.0.Final.zip

          - Extract guvnor tomcat distribution inside tomcat/webapps and rename it to drools-guvnor.war

          - Download http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbpm/files/designer/designer-2.0/designer-2.0-jboss.war/download, plate it inside tomcat/webapps and rename it to designer.war

          - Start tomcat. (so that wars are exploded, you can unzil then manually if you want)

          - Stop tomcat

          - Copy the following jar files from drools-guvnor/WEB-INF/lib to tomcat/lib (or designer WEB-INF/lib)






          -Start tomcat and should work


          Hope this helps,



          • 2. Re: JBPM Guvnor- TOMCAT Integration

            Hi Demian,


                       Thanks for the reply. I did same thing, which you have mentioned.

            I can deploy the process definitions in the guvnor.

            However I am not able to acheive the JBPM-console and i am getting lot of errors,


            Can you share a more detailed information about end to end replacement of JBOSS AS by TOMCAT for process deployment and TOMCAT as Guvnor.

            Also when i open local host i am not able to see the designer.


            Please do reply.



            • 3. Re: JBPM Guvnor- TOMCAT Integration

              For jbpm console, you can check this post:



              For designer, you should provide logs (preferably without deploying jbpm console to make then cleaner), so see why it is not working.

              I tested these steps for guvnor 5.2, last designer and tomcat 7 and worked...





              • 4. Re: JBPM Guvnor- TOMCAT Integration

                Hi Demian,


                         I am using Tomcat 6.30 is that problem is?


                With Gunor also, I am continuosly getting PermGen space memory error.  What is the perfect environment to work with jbpm 5.2?

                And how the versioning can be maintained in the Gunor?

                These are my doubts,


                Please do reply


                • 5. Re: JBPM Guvnor- TOMCAT Integration


                  I follow this tutorial but dont work.

                  The Error that i have is :



                  HTTP Status 404 - /drools-guvnor/


                  type Status report


                  message /drools-guvnor/


                  description The requested resource is not available.


                  Apache Tomcat/7.0.40


                  When i will go to Application Manager on my TOmcat i see that the guvnor is not Started, and when i click in Start, i see in mine console <.../servlet-api-2.5.jar> Jar not loaded.