1. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
maeste Feb 6, 2012 11:00 AM (in response to dimonv)They are supported as subresources. So for example you can add it with a command like this:
or read it:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {"value" => "value"}
Of course parser will take care of parse xml and create subresource.If you still have problem, please provide your configuration and detailed description of what you would expect and that you are not gettingregardsS.- AS7-2981 Provide consistent behaviour to enable/disable datasources and resource adapters- AS7-3316 stanalonde.xml, xa-datasource/security, <user-name> cannot be parametrised- AS7-3349 Data-source add allows adding data sources with non existing JDBC driver- AS7-3379 ResourceAdapterActivatorService never gets stopped- AS7-3385 "xa-datasource-properties" "Instance" property validation does not allow empty value- AS7-3477 If DataSourceDisable fails the stopped/removed services need bringing back to their original state- AS7-3560 ConnectionFactory not registered/bound for rar deployments inside an ear- AS7-3572 Changing a DS JNDI name leads to DS that cannot be enabled- AS7-3578 Errors in data source subsystem checking- AS7-3598 It's impossible to add and activate resource adapter after .rar deployment -
2. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
dimonv Feb 6, 2012 11:22 AM (in response to maeste)I didn't use jboss admin, I've configured them directly in standalone.xml the way described hier https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Resource+adapters. And I can see them on the mgmt-console. But on bottstrap they are just ignored.
Could you please send a snippet of your jboss configuration containing resource adapter?
Thanks and regards
3. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
dimonv Feb 7, 2012 8:22 AM (in response to maeste)I found out the origin of the issue. In my manuell resource adapter configuration I put the
into wrong scope:<resource-adapter>
<config-property name="prop1">X</config-property>
<config-property name="prop2">Y</config-property>
<connection-definition class-name="com.acme.ConnectionFactoryImpl"
jndi-name="java:/eis/ACMEConnector" pool-name="ACMEConnector">
<application />
thus on bootstrapping the config properties have been ignored. But this way is described https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Resource+adapters, what's obviously wrong.
After I moved them to the connection-definition, CF has been initialized properly.
BUT now I get:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.iona.corba.art.artimpl.ORBImpl from [Module "org.jboss.as.connector:main" from local module loader @19eda2c (roots: C:\eplatform\jboss\AS-7.1\modules)]
com.iona.corba.art.artimpl.ORBImpl is used by my adapter and is actually in the RAR file I deployed to <JBoss AS 7>/standalone/deployments.
Is my deployment wrong? How should I deploy the RAR?
Thanks in advance.
4. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
jesper.pedersen Feb 7, 2012 12:11 PM (in response to dimonv)Start by running the RAR info tool - http://docs.jboss.org/ironjacamar/userguide/1.1/en-US/html/tools.html#tools_rarinfo - from the IronJacamar 1.1 distribution.
And lets see a "jar tf" of the archive...
5. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
dimonv Feb 8, 2012 2:48 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Hi,
sorry, but can I find it? I downloaded version 1.0.7.Final and there is no rar-info.sh in as/doc just as-upgrader.sh.
Do you probably mean validator/validator.sh? I tried it and got following in the log file:
Severity: ERROR
Description: A ManagedConnectionFactory must implement a "public int hashCode()" method.
Code: com.axatech.corba.resourceadapter.CorbaManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Severity: ERROR
Description: A ManagedConnectionFactory must implement a "public boolean equals(Object)" method.
Code: com.axatech.corba.resourceadapter.CorbaManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Severity: ERROR
Section: 19.4.2
Description: A ResourceAdapter must implement a "public int hashCode()" method.
Code: com.axatech.corba.resourceadapter.CorbaResourceAdapterImpl
Severity: ERROR
Section: 19.4.2
Description: A ResourceAdapter must implement a "public boolean equals(Object)" method.
Code: com.axatech.corba.resourceadapter.CorbaResourceAdapterImpl
Then I fixed as advised and redeploy it but still the same: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
6. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
dimonv Feb 8, 2012 3:38 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)sorry, you meant 1.1.0 distribution. I tried it and got a report.txt with suggested resource-adapter config. I copied it into standalone.xml and it works. However the only difference in current config is
Does that mean that I can put my rar anywhere on the file system and not only in deployments?
In my original config I used:
as the name of deployed RAR.
Is RAR file deployable by putting into deployments directory?
7. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
jesper.pedersen Feb 8, 2012 8:50 AM (in response to dimonv)No - its "<archive>jp-infra-corba-resourceadapter.rar</archive>" with the file in deployments/
8. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
dimonv Feb 8, 2012 9:12 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Then could you please explain, why if I configure <archive> with absolut path of the RAR file it works; connection definition is deployed. But if I configure <archive> with RAR name only the third party classes are not found by module class loader "org.jboss.as.connector:main".
Is it a bug in IronJacamar's AS integration?
9. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
dimonv Feb 8, 2012 10:04 AM (in response to dimonv)Sorry, my mistake: connection-definition deployment doesn't work with <archive>C:/eplatform/jboss/AS-7.1/standalone/deployments/jp-infra-corba-resourceadapter.rar</archive> at all.
The reason I tried with this setting is report file generated by rar-info.bat; there was <archive>C:/eplatform/jboss/AS-7.1/standalone/deployments/jp-infra-corba-resourceadapter.rar</archive>
10. Re: Connection config-properties are ignored
dimonv Feb 10, 2012 7:40 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Hi Jesper,
my RA still doesn't see the third party libraries packaged into rar.
I think it is a bug.