1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 9, 2012 12:54 PM by ibstmt

    fix modalPanel with the page


      i want to fix the modalPanel with the page

      I am using richfaces 3.3.1




                                    position: absolute;



      I am using this in my page but IE is creating issue with the position of modalPanels.


      --- domElementAttachment="parent"--- is present in my modalPanel

      I cannot remove this ---domElementAttachment="parent"---

      If i remove ---domElementAttachment="parent"---  from my panel it works fine


      Can any one please let me know about anyother alternative so that it work in IE

        • 1. Re: fix modalPanel with the page

          Instead of using a stylesheet, you could try specifying the position in your code. Here is an example of something I have attached to a menu item in 3.3.3:

