1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 9, 2012 1:10 PM by ibstmt

    Ajax events firing issue


      Hi ,


      I have a simple form containing an inputText and a command button, An ajax event E1 is fired onchange event of the inputText and an ajax event E2 is fired on click of the button.

      The problem is that when i modify the value of the inputText (the change event (E1) is not launched yet since the focus still on the field) I click the command button immediatly, now the change event(E1) is executed but the click event(E2) is never fired.


      I tried to use "<a4j:queue ....>" but it is not working since the E2 is never been added to the queue.


      My problem is that i need to process both request E1 and E2, one after the other.


      i was able to reproduce the scenario with a simple html example (find attached "example.html").


      any ideas or workarounds to solve this issues?


      thanks in advance,
