1. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
lightguard Feb 7, 2012 4:26 PM (in response to taneraruk)Seems like there was a thread about this awhile ago as well. Have you checked?
2. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
taneraruk Feb 7, 2012 4:34 PM (in response to lightguard)I checked some messages but, they were not helpful answer. Could you send that thread?
3. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
lightguard Feb 7, 2012 4:44 PM (in response to taneraruk)Actually, now that I think about it, you may need to observer one of the events from Seam Security like a post login event and do the redirect there. I don't recall the login method actually doing any sort of redirect.
4. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
zeeman Feb 7, 2012 7:06 PM (in response to taneraruk)Seam already handles this for you. You should not have to manually redirect.
Updat your rule:
@FacesRedirect @ViewPattern("/*") @AccessDeniedView("/home.xhtml") @LoginView("/login.xhtml") ALL; Some people put all secured pages under one folder, other put mutliple entries for urls that need to be secured. You need to change your rules a little to find what works for the web folder stucture you're using.
5. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
taneraruk Feb 8, 2012 1:36 AM (in response to zeeman)problem is continuing...
6. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
taneraruk Feb 8, 2012 1:44 AM (in response to zeeman)@zeeman
I try your suggestion but it doesnt work because it doesnt control if a user logged in or not.
7. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
taneraruk Feb 8, 2012 12:12 PM (in response to taneraruk)No body have any idea ?
8. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
zeeman Feb 10, 2012 12:27 AM (in response to taneraruk)Do you have any url rewrite rules? Do you use pretty faces (it's a url rewrite engine). Like it's configured in seam 3 booking example. There must be something wrong with your config as this works out-of-the-box for me.
9. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
taneraruk Feb 16, 2012 11:25 AM (in response to zeeman)I don't use pretty-faces, there aren't any url rewrite. problem is continueing...when i restart jboss, at first time i think login page can not render, when i first click login button, at that time page renders and at second click login page redirect to main page...
10. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
cpineda Oct 3, 2012 4:35 PM (in response to taneraruk)Anyone know how to inject Seam 3 Identity class programmatically?
11. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
lightguard Oct 3, 2012 5:11 PM (in response to cpineda)What exactly do you mean? You should be able to simply @Inject the class you need, if not you can always create a producer for it.
12. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
cpineda Oct 3, 2012 5:17 PM (in response to lightguard)producer talk
13. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
cpineda Oct 3, 2012 5:21 PM (in response to cpineda)The concept is not to use @ Injet and through programming offered Identity obtain Seam 3
14. Re: Seam 3 login redirect problem
lightguard Oct 3, 2012 5:27 PM (in response to cpineda)Then you'll have to dig through the picketlink code and see what's there. The whole idea of Seam 3 was to use CDI for injection.