Welcome trailblazers!
dan.j.allen Feb 14, 2012 1:59 AMAs advocates and enthusiasts of JBoss, I'm sure all of you (members of this group) appreciate that there's hardly and end to the number of cool technologies in the JBoss Community, and even more beyond that circle that can be use on the JBoss platforms (JBoss AS, SOA, etc).
It's exciting, but it's also daunting, especially for newcomers. I'll admit that even after being immersed in the JBoss Community for years, I'm still discovering projects that I didn't know existing for as many years. I may have known the project by name, but I didn't really *know* it in the sense that I used it...or even knew how to use it.
We want to address a common fuss that we hear: The JBoss Community is a scattering of loosely related technologies, and it's hard to know where to begin.
What this group aims to do is blaze some well-defined paths through this wild (and awesome) jungle of innovation so that new (and even experienced) users can find ways to match their needs with the technologies that can help fulfill them. More simply put, we already have plenty of great software, we just need to demonstrate it’s value, how it fits together and how it’s used. Along the way we'll problem make many connections ourselves, potentially leading to new projects, improvements to existing ones or better integrations between projects.
The first step is to identify the major perspectives of users coming to the doorstep. Actually, we already have a pretty good idea of some of them.
- Newbie / Greenhorn
- Java EE 5 craftsman / Seam 2 deckhand
- Spring faithful (often the case of Burned by J2EE)
Our goal is really not to judge the choices of the developers that come looking. There's really no reason to try to force any particular technology on them. The goal is to connnect them with the technology that will make them most successful.
If you have other perspectives, definitely share them. We can also flesh these out, ultimately landing in a wiki page.
Obviously, for the newbie we are likely going to recommend a Java EE 6-based stack since that's most of our strengths. For those that are happily using Spring, we want to be able to upgrade them to the best runtime OSS has to offer. That's the general idea.
Those are just some thoughts to get us started. Feel free to initiate any discussion you feel is relevant, or questions you have, and let's get brainstorming.