2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 14, 2012 6:30 AM by toninho

    rich:popupPanel does not submit if opened by onrowdblclick on a rich:extendedDataTable


      Hi all!



      I have a rich:popupPanel that should popsup when I doubleclick on a row of my rich:extendedDataTable, I've done a lot of tests and it just works, I mean the popup submit, when I show the popup  by a rowClick, when I use double click it dont work.



      Thats my code...



      <rich:extendedDataTable frozenColumns="1" selection="#{beanClientes.usuariosGrid}" onrowdblclick="#{rich:component('dialogDadosUsuario')}.show();"

                                                            keepSaved="true" id="tblUsuarios" rows="20" var="user" value="#{beanClientes.usuarios}" style="margin-left: 1px; width:100%; border-radius: 7px;" >


                                                            <a4j:ajax execute="@form" event="selectionchange" listener="#{beanClientes.selectionUsuarioListener}"  render="dialogDadosUsuario" />


           ... my coluns




      and  right after my form that contains the rich:extendedDataTable I do...


      <rich:popupPanel width="550" height="300" header="Dados Usuário" id="dialogDadosUsuario" modal="true" resizeable="false" style="border-radius: 7px;" moveable="true" >



                                                                        <h:commandButton action="#{beanClientes.atualizarDadosUsuario}" title="Salvar" id="btnSalvar" image="/resources/img/pageCriarContaUsuario/salvar_novo_cliente.png" />






      My action atualizarDadosUsuario just works when I use onrowclick.


      Im using richfaces 4.1.0 Final