0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 14, 2012 8:57 AM by sinvaldo

    Dynamic Rendered - null value in Managed Bean


      Hello dear friends,


      I have a difficult problem that i couldn't not find a workaround yet.


      I have a SelectOneRadio :


      <h:outputLabel value="Tipo Erosão:" styleClass="label" />
                                              <h:selectOneRadio id="radio_tipo_ocorr" value="#{ocorrenciaMB.joe}"
                                                        <a4j:ajax event="valueChange" render="panel_dinamico"/>
                                                        <f:selectItems value="#{ocorrenciaMB.radioTipoErosao}" />
                                    <rich:message for="radio_tipo_ocorr" />


      and a outputPanel that is rendered dynamically:



      <a4j:outputPanel id="panel_dinamico" layout="block">
                                              <a4j:outputPanel id="panel_rendered"
                                                        rendered="#{ocorrenciaMB.tipoErosaoFlag}" layout="block">
                                                        <h:outputLabel value="Frequência: " styleClass="label" />
                                                        <h:outputLabel value="Ocasional" styleClass="radioOption" />
                                                        <h:inputText id="txt_ocasional"
                                                                  value="#{processoMB.ocorrenciaCorrente.qtdeOcasional}" size="4" />
                                                        <h:outputLabel value="Frequente" styleClass="radioOption" />
                                                        <h:inputText id="txt_frequente"
                                                                  value="#{processoMB.ocorrenciaCorrente.qtdeFrequente}" size="4" />
                                                        <h:outputLabel value="Muito Frequente" styleClass="radioOption" />
                                                        <h:inputText id="txt_muito_frequente"
                                                                  size="4" />



      but the values are "null" in Managed Bean, Somebody can help me ?

