5 Replies Latest reply on Feb 21, 2012 2:52 AM by galder.zamarreno

    Error while adding user defined advancedExternalizers programatically in Infinispan 5.1.1


      Hi ,


      I did follow the updated user-guide for plugging  user defined externalizers.




      I have followed the example Person.PersonExteranlizer implementing the AdvacnedExternalizer. I have been able to register the externalizer using the configuration as mentioned.


      However when i register them programtically like this:


      public class MyCacheClient {


                public static void main(String args[]) {


                          EmbeddedCacheManager embCacheMgr = null;

                          Person personBeanObj = new Person("Sudheesh",29);



                                    try {

                                              embCacheMgr = new DefaultCacheManager("InfinispanCfgForNode1.xml");

                                              GlobalConfigurationBuilder builder = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder();

                                              builder.serialization().addAdvancedExternalizer(new Person.PersonExternalizer());


                                              Cache personCache = embCacheMgr.getCache("InfinispanClientTest");



                                              Object cachedObj =  personCache.get("person1");



                                                        logger.info("Success----------The objects are equal");






                                    } catch (IOException e) {

                                              // TODO Auto-generated catch block











      and execute i get the following error:



      Exception in thread "main" org.infinispan.marshall.NotSerializableException: com.hp.usage.datastruct.beans.mycompany.Person

      Caused by: an exception which occurred:

                in object com.hp.usage.datastruct.beans.mycompany.Person@ad157f

                          -> toString = com.hp.usage.datastruct.beans.mycompany.Person@ad157f

                in object org.infinispan.container.entries.ImmortalCacheEntry@1b173583

                          -> toString = ImmortalCacheEntry{key=person1, value=ImmortalCacheValue {value=com.hp.usage.datastruct.beans.mycompany.Person@ad157f}}

                in object org.infinispan.loaders.bucket.Bucket@717d91

                          -> toString = Bucket{entries={person1=ImmortalCacheEntry{key=person1, value=ImmortalCacheValue {value=com.hp.usage.datastruct.beans.mycompany.Person@ad157f}}}, bucketId='-678441984'}



      I am using a distributed cache configuration for testing.


      Pls help me on this error.


