5 Replies Latest reply on Feb 17, 2012 6:14 PM by clebert.suconic

    Message Consumer not working



      i have a standalone HornetQ(nonClustered) Server running on a Windows Server as a Service.

      Some Clients can consume Messages and some Clients getting no Messages, they connected correct to the server i can see a open TCP connection on the port. Also if i shutdown the Server i get on these Clients the message that the connection is broken. The Clients consume Messages and also send Messages. The Messages from the Clients are send correct to other Clients.

      Any idea how to analyse why some Clients can not get the messages. I also test it with tcp and http netty connector.



            <connector name="netty">


               <param key="host"  value="${jboss.bind.address:localhost}"/>

               <param key="port"  value="${hornetq.remoting.netty.port:5445}"/>



            <connector name="netty-throughput">


               <param key="host"  value="${jboss.bind.address:localhost}"/>

               <param key="port"  value="${hornetq.remoting.netty.batch.port:5455}"/>

               <param key="batch-delay" value="50"/>



            <connector name="in-vm">


               <param key="server-id" value="${hornetq.server-id:0}"/>




        • 1. Re: Message Consumer not working

          Hard to say without seeing any code.


          Are you sure you didn't leak connections / etc? Maybe there's a leaked consumer in your application? (You should close your resources properly on that case).

          • 2. Re: Message Consumer not working

            I was also thinking that is the problem so i write a simple class with a command line output for the received messages. Same problem and always on the same Clients. I also used different Ports. Tomorrow i will test the connection Stream with wireshark.

            • 3. Re: Message Consumer not working

              I figured out the problem the time on the Clients are in the future and on the server are in the past. Can some where explain me the setTimeToLive on a Producer, i was thinking that the server not send the message to a consumer if the time is expired. Why the client handle the expiration???


              I found also an old entry with the same problem:



              • 4. Re: Message Consumer not working

                See Tim's comment on HORNETQ-152.

                • 5. Re: Message Consumer not working

                  This was also discussed on the JMS 2 expert group. Everybody has agreed that this is the expected behaviour. However the new simplified JMS will simplify this. (that's the expecation at least).


                  The JMS api was designed a few years ago, with a goal of the Message possibly being reused by different brokers, as a result this property had to be exposed for the integration purposes. There would be other ways of changing that but at this point this is a common issue on the JMS API. Users are supposed to known the meaning of this property.