8 Replies Latest reply on Feb 17, 2012 3:59 AM by nimo22

    Single event timer are not executed


      I have a TimerService with a


      timerService.createSingleActionTimer(10000, timerConfig);


      which returns exactly the error found here




      When navigating to [JBoss JIRA] (AS7-3094) Single event timer are not executed https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-3094,

      the issue does not exist anymore. However, I use 7.1.0.Beta1b and the bug exists.


      According to Spec.  javax.ejb.NoMoreTimeoutsException should only occur,

      if a defined Scheduled Timer has expired, but I define a SingleAction-Timer and not a ScheduleTimer!


      Is this a bug or my fault?

        • 1. Re: Single event timer are not executed

          I was searching for a workaround and have tried to use ScheduleTimer which ends at a specific point (to simulate a singleActionTimer):


          ScheduleExpression s = new ScheduleExpression();


                  Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();





          //        s.month(c.get(Calendar.MONTH));

          //        s.year(c.get(Calendar.YEAR));



          However, it returns the same error as above:


          13:31:02,033 ERROR [org.jboss.as.ejb3] (pool-9-thread-1) JBAS014122: Error during retyring timeout for timer: ...  javax.ejb.NoMoreTimeoutsException: JBAS014466: No more timeouts for timer

          • 2. Re: Single event timer are not executed

            When using this (year defaults to "*"):


            ScheduleExpression s = new ScheduleExpression();

            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();






            //        s.year(c.get(Calendar.YEAR));

            //        s.end(d);


            the timer is never invoked, even the "s" is already expired.


            When using this (month and year defaults to "*"):


            ScheduleExpression s = new ScheduleExpression();

            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();





            //    s.month(c.get(Calendar.MONTH));

            //      s.year(c.get(Calendar.YEAR));

            //        s.end(d);



            the timer is invoked at the specific date. However, it is a cycled timer.



            So to sum up my questions:


            1. Why can I not set year and month to a specific point of time to avoid the cycle?

            2. Why can I not set the end of the scheduled expression without returning a javax.ejb.NoMoreTimeoutsException?

            3. Why can I not use a createSingleActionTimer/createActionTimer?

            • 3. Re: Single event timer are not executed

              nimo stephan wrote:


              I have a TimerService with a


              timerService.createSingleActionTimer(10000, timerConfig);


              which returns exactly the error found here




              Is this a bug or my fault?

              Please post the entire exception stacktrace that you see. Also try using the latest nightly build (which will soon be 7.1.0.Final) or even 7.1.0.CR1b.

              • 4. Re: Single event timer are not executed

                nimo stephan schrieb:


                When navigating to [JBoss JIRA] (AS7-3094) Single event timer are not executed https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-3094,


                There is no AS7-3094, the link is broken


                If you set ScheduleExpression to the exact time now it might be outdated before you activate it.

                See http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/ejb/ScheduleExpression.html for details how to use it.

                • 5. Re: Single event timer are not executed

                  Wolf-Dieter Fink wrote:


                  nimo stephan schrieb:


                  When navigating to [JBoss JIRA] (AS7-3094) Single event timer are not executed https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-3094,


                  There is no AS7-3094, the link is broken


                  If you set ScheduleExpression to the exact time now it might be outdated before you activate it.

                  See http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/ejb/ScheduleExpression.html for details how to use it.


                  As I mentioned before:

                  https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-3094,the issue does not exist anymore.


                  For ScheduleExpression, as pointed here:

                  c.setTime(d); // I set the date to a date in the future


                  As soon as the future date is comming, exception is thrown.

                  • 6. Re: Single event timer are not executed
                    • 7. Re: Single event timer are not executed

                      Hi Nimo,


                      can you please attach your source code example to the case?



                      • 8. Re: Single event timer are not executed

                        I have updated to jboss 7.1.Final and the error does not exist anymore!


                        Thank you. The bug is gone;)