1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 18, 2012 6:31 PM by rlperry

    When should RequestScoped end when using an MDB


      I read "after the EJB remote method invocation, asynchronous method invocation, timeout or message delivery completes" from section 6.7.1 Requested context lifecycle on the web_beans spec to mean that I should be able to count on my @PreDestroy method and/or my disposers method to be called after the onMessage of my MDB has completed.  But I see neither being called under JBoss 7.0.2 nor 7.1.0 when using CDI injection into MDBs or SLSBs or SFSBs being called from my MDBs.  Looking around I see no one complaining about this issue.  Am I misunderstanding the request scope in the context of MDBs or am I just failing to find other people complaining about this issue?  ....any common mistakes in this arena I need to doublt check?




        • 1. Re: When should RequestScoped end when using an MDB

          I am having no better luck getting the PreDestroy called on CDI objects injected into Session Beans when with the Session Beans being called via remote invokation.  I would expect people to be making noise about this and I am not seeing it.  So, I would very much like a second opinion before I go reporting it as a bug.  Does anyone see this working?  Anyone else think it is a bug?