3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 28, 2012 6:09 PM by burkee

    Cluster Test - how to do it ? need test apps



      I'm new in this, but I have some questions.


      I have configuration like this:



      3 ip adress.

      x.x.1.0 - machine

      x.x.1.1 - node1 AS7

      x.x.1.2 - node2 AS7



      2 ip adress

      x.x.2.0 - machine

      x.x.2.1 - vhost apache with configuration for mod_cluster.


      Ok, next


      Cmd to start node1:

      /node1/bin/standalone.sh -server-config standalone-ha.xml -Djboss.node.name=node1


      Cmd to start node2: ( other path )

      /node2/bin/standalone.sh -server-config standalone-ha.xml -Djboss.node.name=node2


      After start Node1 and node2 was ok.

      After deploy a application with <distributable/> in web.xml cluster started.




      In mod_cluster_manager i see two nodes.


      Configuration of httpd vhost:


      <VirtualHost x.x.2.1:80>


              <Directory />

                      Order deny,allow

                      Allow from all



              KeepAliveTimeout 60

              MaxKeepAliveRequests 0


             AdvertiseFrequency 5


             <Location /mod_cluster-manager>

                 SetHandler mod_cluster-manager


                 Order deny,allow

                 Deny from all

                 Allow from all



        ErrorLog logs/cluster-error.log

        CustomLog logs/cluster-access.log combined

        LogLevel debug






      I have some problem/questions:

      1) Could you give me a application in WAR file for AS 7 + jdk7 for cluster and replication session ( fail-over )

      I searched in internet but the war files not work on AS7+jdk7 or only sources ( I don;t know how to compile because I'm IT admin not developer )



      2) How to set up round-robin balance or other type balance ( in my point only node1 work, node2 not work )


      Pls help.

        • 1. Re: Cluster Test - how to do it ? need test apps

          Hi Maciej,


          1) Could you give me a application in WAR file for AS 7 + jdk7 for cluster and replication session ( fail-over )


          I started a small project here called ClusterBench that can be used for easily benchmarking the clustering layer in AS 5 and AS 7 -- https://github.com/rhusar/clusterbench -- its basically just a distributable app exposing different access/usage patterns. It returns kind of serial version of the session, so you can easily check whether the sessions were replicated or not, or how old they are.


          ( I don;t know how to compile because I'm IT admin not developer )

          IC, well that becomes more complicated as this is basic thing to do. If you install maven, then you should be able to build it yourself with no problem.


          2) How to set up round-robin balance or other type balance ( in my point only node1 work, node2 not work )

          You are probably seeing only 1 node "active" because you are not stressing the server enough. Try to add a lot of clients and see that they will actually loadbalance very well.



          • 2. Re: Cluster Test - how to do it ? need test apps

            BTW you might want to check JMeter for stress testing your severs:




              The Apache JMeter™ desktop application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance.  It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions. 

            • 3. Re: Cluster Test - how to do it ? need test apps

              Hi Radoslav,


              I am pretty new to JBOSS and I am trying to get a standalone cluster up and running. I am an IT Admin, not a developer so a lot of the information about EJB and beans does not make sense to me. Could you give me an explanation or a how-to for your cluster test app?