4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 22, 2012 5:39 AM by pavel.orehov

    JNDI lookup in JBoss AS 7 in standalone clustered environment




      We are using Jboss AS 7.1.0.Final in standalone clustered environment.


      We have all cluster definitions in standalone.xml file which is passed as parameter to JBoss on startup.


      A web module from ear A is invoking an EJB method on ear B (same container, using the global jndi name):



      When both A & B ears are running in the same AS instance, the JNDI lookup works fine.


      When A & B ears are running in different AS instances but still on the same machine the lookup fails with error that CommExBean not found.


      The bean definition:




      public class CommExBean  implements CommEx {




      The JNDI lookup:

      Context context = new InitialContext();

      CommEx commEx = (CommEx) context.lookup("global/myapp/myejbjar/CommExBean!com.test.CommEx");


      I'm not passing any parameters to Context as assuming that JBoss container should be able to complete all host,port, ... parameters by itself. Fix me if I wrong.


      Also tried to look up with java: and ejb: prefixes, with global,module,app,jboss/ecported - nothing helps.


      What I'm missing here ?


