Shrinkwrap Descriptor Metadata Plugin
rbattenfeld Jan 24, 2012 2:16 PMHi Folks
I am making great progress regarding the Descriptor Metadata plugin. This maven plugin allows to create descriptors much simpler than before. The request is based in SHRINKDESC-92 asking for a tool that allows to generate descriptors separated from the descriptor build. Thanks to Jesper for the suggestions.
The usage is fairly simple:
Here are some details:
- Native supports of dtd files
- Parsing of xsd's are rewritten from ground by using DOM stuff (no xslt)
- Generating java code is still based on xslt but the plan is to replace this in the future as well. See CodeModel which is as well a fork from jaxb
- Supports xsd's in a much higher level without enhancements. Example: orm.xsd is parsed without any issues. Cool:-)
I have to continue this. Goal is to use this plugin for all descriptors we create. Stay tuned