4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 22, 2012 10:55 AM by rhanus

    strange error message in log when using -ds.xml in 7.1.0.Final


      following this article I've moved datasources from standalone.xml into a -ds.xml descriptor placed in jboss-as-7.1.0.Final/standalone/deployments

      but strange error message in log appears from now on:


      16:20:58,286 ERROR [stderr] (MSC service thread 1-1) Error looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up ApolloDB, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not started


      when reverting datasources back to standalone.xml this log message disappears


      snippet of jboss-as-7.1.0.Final/standalone/deployments content:

      - mysql-ds.xml:


           <datasource jndi-name="java:/projectDS" pool-name="aPool" enabled="true" use-java-context="true">


      - project.ear

           - lib/app-persistence.jar

                - META-INF/persistence.xml




        • 1. Re: strange error message in log when using -ds.xml in 7.1.0.Final

          Can you post the entire exception stacktrace? It looks like the lookup is being done before the datasource configured in -ds.xml is bound to JNDI.

          • 2. Re: strange error message in log when using -ds.xml in 7.1.0.Final

            Hi Jaikiran!


            there is no stacktrace in log event if org.jboss is set to DEBUG level


            moreover I find datasource deployed before the error message:


            16:40:32,421 DEBUG [org.jboss.as.connector.subsystems.datasources.AbstractDataSourceService$AS7DataSourceDeployer] (MSC service thread 1-1) Adding management datasource: DataSource@14feea xa=false jndiName=java:/projectDS pool=org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.pool.strategy.OnePool@6bf551 poolconfiguration=PoolConfiguration@1b6a350[minSize=1 maxSize=5 blockingTimeout=30000 idleTimeoutMinutes=30 backgroundValidation=false backgroundValidationMillis=0 prefill=false strictMin=false useFastFail=false] statistics=org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.statistics.JdbcStatisticsPlugin@19bf7d0]

            16:40:32,427 DEBUG [org.jboss.as.connector.deployer.dsdeployer] (MSC service thread 1-1) Adding datasource: java:/projectDS


            16:40:32,547 ERROR [stderr] (MSC service thread 1-1) Error looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up ApolloDB, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not started



            • 3. Re: strange error message in log when using -ds.xml in 7.1.0.Final

              16:40:32,547 ERROR [stderr] (MSC service thread 1-1) Error looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up ApolloDB, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not startedError looking up projectDS, service service jboss.naming.context.java.projectDS is not started

              This log is strange because it seems to be appearing from some code that doesn't belong to JBoss AS7. The [stderr] is an hint about that. Someone seems to be writing to System.err or using java.util.logging whose default appenders logs to STDERR.

              • 4. Re: strange error message in log when using -ds.xml in 7.1.0.Final

                ok I will check our project source code thoroughly