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1. Re: Pick message from File or JMS in BPEL
jeff.yuchang Feb 28, 2012 3:54 AM (in response to rskarthikeyan)I think you can take a look at the examples that integrated with JBoss ESB, it is located at: $RiftSaw/samples/esb
2. Re: Pick message from File or JMS in BPEL
rskarthikeyan Feb 28, 2012 4:31 AM (in response to jeff.yuchang)All the examples are related to WS. My requirment is BPEL should pick the message from file or JMS instead of SOAP request.. Is it possible?
3. Re: Pick message from File or JMS in BPEL
objectiser Feb 28, 2012 5:04 AM (in response to rskarthikeyan)In a couple of weeks, when Switchyard 0.4 is released, it will include an example showing how to trigger a BPEL process using a message received from JMS. It may also be possible to receive a message from a file, using the Camel binding.
Riftsaw version 3 (the next major version) will only be distributed as a component within the Switchyard ESB - so it may be worth you checking out that project: