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1. Re: call partner link dynamically
objectiser Feb 29, 2012 7:30 AM (in response to rskarthikeyan)Try out the quickstarts/dynpartner example - it may provide the information you want. However there have been some issues with this, see:
btw You should really address your questions on the 'riftsaw' forum, which is for users. This forum is for riftsaw contributors - I'll move it to the correct forum.
2. Re: call partner link dynamically
rskarthikeyan Feb 29, 2012 11:50 PM (in response to objectiser)Thanks Gary. I am using SOA platform. Is that issue fixed in SOA 5.x version?
3. Re: call partner link dynamically
objectiser Mar 1, 2012 6:18 AM (in response to rskarthikeyan)I know there is an issue with dynamic partner links with jbossws-native on the platform, but probably best to try out the example and then discuss with support.
In terms of the community edition, it only works with a specific jbossws version and a patched xalan.jar.