1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 2, 2012 12:36 PM by radzish

    Cache exists but isn't in a state to handle remote invocations




      I am running 2 instances of Jboss AS 7.1 in cluster mode (standalone-ha). I am using tcp transport (JDBC_PING as a protocol) for JGroups as I am planning to deploy on Amazon EC2.

      My goal is to have 2nd level cache on one isntance to be invalidated for entities being changed on other instances. Unfortunatelly it's not working. When instance 1 updates entity, instance 2 seems like recieves notification about it, but cache on instance 2 is not invalidated. All I see is following message in the log of instance 2. This message happens just after I am updating entity on other instance


      03:19:48,213 INFO  [org.infinispan.remoting.InboundInvocationHandlerImpl] (OOB-9,null) ISPN000069: Cache named [test-cluster-ear.ear/test-cluster-ejb.jar#test-cluster-ejb.com.test.model.TestEntity] exists but isn't in a state to handle remote invocations


      Some more information that might be helpfull: I am using managed JPA. Entities are marked as "@Cacheable", no other annotations related to Cache are not used.

        • 1. Re: Cache exists but isn't in a state to handle remote invocations

          Anyone who has this problem please see another thread: https://community.jboss.org/thread/196079


          To sum up:


          1. Replace infinispan 5.1.1 jboss module with the latest version 5.1.2

          2. Change timestamps cache configuration so it looks like:


                          <replicated-cache name="timestamps" mode="ASYNC">

                              <transaction mode="NONE"/>

                              <eviction strategy="NONE" max-entries="0"/>



          3. Add infinispan-core.jar to application ear deployment.