15. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
floraly Oct 27, 2011 10:55 AM (in response to tsurdilovic)I am deploying as .war file in the prod server.
I added some logs in editorhander.java and found that it has loaded all the scripts successfully
And I can get 'resultXML' as below before (response.getWriter().write(resultHtml.toString());). Now Let me try to deploy as exploded war
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16. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
floraly Oct 27, 2011 11:53 AM (in response to floraly)when I deployed as exploded war, I still got the same issue.
17. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
mika1325 Dec 14, 2011 10:46 AM (in response to floraly)Problem is with German umlaut and ß symbols in designer.war\stencilsets\bpmn2.0jbpm\stencildata\bpmn2.0jbpm.orig. I changed them, ant designer started!
18. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
renez Mar 4, 2012 1:30 PM (in response to mika1325)Hello,
I'm having this problem today, too. I'm using jbpm 5.2 installed by installer on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 with openjdk-6. In Guvnor I can create a BPmn 2.0 process. But when I try to open the File just get a screen "Please wait while loading". In server.log I can find.
18:21:25,182 INFO [stdout] (http-- INFO 04-03 18:21:25,181 (NilAuthenticator.java:authenticate:35) All users are guests. 18:22:47,125 INFO [stdout] (http-- (null: -1, -1): Premature end of file. 18:22:47,799 INFO [org.jbpm.designer.server.EditorHandler] (http-- The diagram editor is running in development mode. Javascript will be served uncompressed 18:22:47,801 INFO [org.jbpm.designer.server.EditorHandler] (http-- Performing diagram information pre-processing steps. 18:22:48,208 INFO [stdout] (http-- INFO 04-03 18:22:48,206 (NilAuthenticator.java:authenticate:35) All users are guests. 18:22:48,494 INFO [stdout] (http-- INFO 04-03 18:22:48,493 (NilAuthenticator.java:authenticate:35) All users are guests. 18:22:48,560 INFO [stdout] (http-- INFO 04-03 18:22:48,559 (NilAuthenticator.java:authenticate:35) All users are guests. 18:22:48,698 INFO [stdout] (http-- INFO 04-03 18:22:48,697 (NilAuthenticator.java:authenticate:35) All users are guests. 18:22:48,739 INFO [stdout] (http-- INFO 04-03 18:22:48,738 (NilAuthenticator.java:authenticate:35) All users are guests. 18:22:48,772 INFO [org.jbpm.designer.web.preprocessing.impl.JbpmPreprocessingUnit] (http-- Successfully deleted file :/opt/jboss/jbpm-5.2/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/standalone/tmp/vfs/temp5fa1d605b1619162/designer.war-74ced14e8e0c620f/stencilsets/bpmn2.0jbpm/bpmn2.0jbpm.json 18:22:48,773 INFO [org.jbpm.designer.web.preprocessing.impl.JbpmPreprocessingUnit] (http-- Created file:/opt/jboss/jbpm-5.2/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/standalone/tmp/vfs/temp5fa1d605b1619162/designer.war-74ced14e8e0c620f/stencilsets/bpmn2.0jbpm/bpmn2.0jbpm.json 18:22:48,818 INFO [org.jbpm.designer.web.preprocessing.impl.JbpmPreprocessingUnit] (http-- Created file:/opt/jboss/jbpm-5.2/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/standalone/tmp/vfs/temp5fa1d605b1619162/designer.war-74ced14e8e0c620f/stencilsets/bpmn2.0jbpm/view/activity/workitems/Log.svg 18:22:48,829 INFO [org.jbpm.designer.web.preprocessing.impl.JbpmPreprocessingUnit] (http-- Created file:/opt/jboss/jbpm-5.2/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/standalone/tmp/vfs/temp5fa1d605b1619162/designer.war-74ced14e8e0c620f/stencilsets/bpmn2.0jbpm/view/activity/workitems/Email.svg 18:23:10,604 INFO [stdout] (http-- INFO 04-03 18:23:10,603 (NilAuthenticator.java:authenticate:35) All users are guests. 18:23:10,660 INFO [stdout] (http-- (null: -1, -1): Premature end of file.
Like mika suggested I changed the umlauts and the special charkters. The strang thing is, that everyting works fine on my local developer system with win xp.
Does somebody have a suggestion? Hints a greatly appriciated!
19. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
tsurdilovic Mar 4, 2012 2:50 PM (in response to renez)Are you getting any JavaScript errors? Wonder how I can reproduce this so can debug.
Overall it seems that we should remove all german umlauts from the stencil info. I can do that and commit soon.
20. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
renez Mar 4, 2012 4:19 PM (in response to tsurdilovic)Tihomir,
thank you for your quick reply and your hint. Firebug gives me
Error: namespace is undefined Source: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/designer/js/Core/StencilSet/stencilsets.js Line: 83
I think a read something about an error like this but I'm not sure...
21. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
tsurdilovic Mar 5, 2012 12:14 AM (in response to renez)Just uploaded new wars to people.redhat.com/tsurdilo/designer/master. Give it a shot and let me know if this fixes the issue (don't forget to clear your browser cache before testing).
22. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
renez Mar 5, 2012 12:56 AM (in response to tsurdilovic)Hey Tihomir,
I downloaded the file for jboss as 7 an replaced the designer.war in the deployment directory. I cleared the cache in chrome and firefox, but I still get the same error. This is the stacktrace from firefox
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'split' of undefined
- Enumerable.eachprototype-1.5.1.js:449
- ORYX.Core.StencilSet.stencilSetsstencilsets.js:61
- ORYX.Editor.getStencilSetsmain.js:1204
- ORYX.Editor._createCanvasmain.js:643
- ORYX.Editor.constructmain.js:125
- classDefclazz.js:60
- window.onOryxResourcesLoadedORYX.Plugins.UUIDRepositoryDummySave.js:418
- initmain.js:44
- Object.extend.loadoryx.js:121
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'split' of undefined
23. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
tsurdilovic Mar 7, 2012 9:57 AM (in response to renez)I'd like to get to the bottom of this issue, but am not able to reproduce it. Any instructions on what to see this problem are much appreciated.
24. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
renez Mar 7, 2012 10:13 AM (in response to tsurdilovic)I downloaded the jbpm-installer and used the ant tasks to install the demo. This worked perfect for me on my win xp developer machine. On our linux test server I allways get the error with "
Premature end of file"
. This occures even with the new 2.1 version you provided. We are using Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS. My first suggestion was an line ending problem between linux and win because on one os it worked and fails on the other. But I checked the files and they all have linux line endings. The other difference is, that the sever runs remotely at our hoster and it's not working. The working installation is running locally. I don't know if this matters. If it helps you can send me a pm and I can give you access to the linux installation.I would like to provide you log files, but there is nothing related to the error in the logs. Maybe you can tell me how to log more related to the error?
25. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
tsurdilovic Mar 12, 2012 11:36 AM (in response to renez)I think we got this resolved this time Replace your war with what's on people.redhat.com/tsurdilo/designer/master and clear your browser cache before trying. Let me know if you still run into this problem.
26. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
renez Mar 14, 2012 6:55 AM (in response to tsurdilovic)Now it's working on WIN and Linux. Thank you for your effort!
27. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
stanley103 Apr 5, 2012 6:59 AM (in response to tsurdilovic)i have this problem too. I download jbpm5.2 installer and ant install.demo on my win7 or xp
Like mika suggested I changed the umlauts and the special charkters.
either i replace ä to a, ö to o, ü to u, ß to B
or i just delete all ä,ö,ü,ß
i still get the javascript error as same as renez's error as below:
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'split' of undefined
- Enumerable.eachprototype-1.5.1.js:449
- ORYX.Core.StencilSet.stencilSetsstencilsets.js:61
- ORYX.Editor.getStencilSetsmain.js:1204
- ORYX.Editor._createCanvasmain.js:643
- ORYX.Editor.constructmain.js:125
- classDefclazz.js:60
- window.onOryxResourcesLoadedORYX.Plugins.UUIDRepositoryDummySave.js:418
- initmain.js:44
- Object.extend.loadoryx.js:121
finally, i delete designer.war\stencilsets\bpmn2.0jbpm\stencildata\bpmn2.0jbpm.orig ,then it seems work well.
my question is will it cause another problem?
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'split' of undefined
28. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
tsurdilovic Apr 5, 2012 9:10 AM (in response to stanley103)Stanley, maybe you did not read the entire thread before posting, it's ok - this issue has been resolved. You have to update your war (info on that also in this thread).
29. Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor
stanley103 Apr 6, 2012 7:32 AM (in response to tsurdilovic)thank you, it's working fine now, i thought people.redhat.com/tsurdilo/designer/master is a path before, and don't know that is a url: http://people.redhat.com/tsurdilo/designer/master
it is hard to think i should download something from other web site.