0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 5, 2012 7:09 AM by generic1

    JBoss7 migration




      I have a question concerning migration from JBoss 6 to JBoss AS 7.

      I have read a lot of articles where the migration is described but I think my problem is a little more specific:




      As shown above I have a Dynamic Web Project (Eclipse) and a lot of normal Java Projects, the normal Java Projects are included in the Dynamic web Project - so the JARs of the normal Java Projects where included into the Dynamic Web Project after compiling.

      I have read that external JARs must be in WEB-INF/lib in the Dynamic Web Project.


      My question now is how I can do this that the external JARs of the normal Java Projects where copied or referenced in WEB-INF/lib so JBoss is satisfied and can find the classes in this JARs.


      Thanks a lot and all the best,
