4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 7, 2012 3:55 AM by ashman

    Losing object references passed by EJB?



      I am experiencing a problem, and was hoping someone could set me on the right path!

      I have two stateless EJBs CompanySessionBean and ObjectBrokerSessionBean. There is a method getCompanyStatusList in CompanySessionBean which in turn calls a method findAll on the ObjectBrokerSessionBean.

      This all seems to work fine. The return from the findAll is a collection of objects (populated with values from the database. Again, this works fine and I have checked that the collection contains 5 populated objects (as expected).


      The problem is that when the findAll method returns to the calling getCompanyStatusList method, the collection has 5 empty objects inside.
      So maybe the reference to the objects in the collection has been lost somewhere?


      I am using AS 7.1.0, and the EJB3.1.


      public abstract class BusinessObject
         public void populate(ResultSet rs)


      public abstract class BusinessCodeObject extends BusinessObject
          public void popultae(ResultSet rs)

      public class CompanyStatus extends BusinessCodeObject implements Serializable
      public static final String CREATED  = "CREATED";
      public static final String ACTIVE   = "ACTIVE";
      public static final String INACTIVE = "INACTIVE";
      public static final String ONHOLD   = "ONHOLD";
      public static final String SELLOFF  = "SELLOFF";
      public static final String PROSPECTIVE  = "PRSPCTV";



      @Stateless(name = "CompanySession")
      public class CompanySessionBean extends AbstractSessionBean implements IMaintainCompany {

            private SessionContext mySessionCtx;


           IObjectBroker brkr;


           public Collection getCompanyStatusList() {
                 Collection c = brkr.findAll(CompanyStatus.class);
                 return  c; // PROBLEM: c is a collection objects with nulls, rather than the populated values






      @Stateless(name = "ObjectBrokerSession")
      public class ObjectBrokerSessionBean implements IObjectBroker {

      private SessionContext mySessionCtx;

      public Collection findAll(Class clazz) {
             Collection ret = new ArrayList();
             Connection c = null;
             ResultSet rs = null;
             CallableStatement cs = null;

              c = DatabaseConnectionFactory.getConnection(DATASOURCE);
              String sql = "call da_company_status.SEL_ALL (?)"

              cs = c.prepareCall(sql);

              cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);


              rs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1);


           BusinessObject bo;

           while (rs.next()) {
               bo = (BusinessObject) clazz.newInstance();    



         return ret; // ret is a collection with objects containing values populated from the database


        • 1. Re: Losing object references passed by EJB?

          Are all the contents of CompanyStatus serializable? Can you give it a quick try to change the business interface from @Remote to @Local (assuming the client is in the same application)?

          • 2. Re: Losing object references passed by EJB?

            Hi Jaikiran,


            Yes that was my initial thought as well, but the CompanyStatus object has nothing more than a few static final Strings and it implements Serializable already. Yesterday I changed everything to @Local, and yes, it does work perfectly. In this application, I dont need to have the interfaces as @Remote, but I still can't understand why it doesn't work. I read somewhere that there were some bugs reported with Remote RMI invocations in AS7, but I thought the issues were solved for 7.1.0 Final (which is what I am using).




            • 3. Re: Losing object references passed by EJB?

              ashman wrote:


              Hi Jaikiran,


              Yes that was my initial thought as well, but the CompanyStatus object has nothing more than a few static final Strings

              I actually meant the entire hierarchy of that class including the base classes.

              • 4. Re: Losing object references passed by EJB?

                Yeah, I tried that yesterday too, but due to the way the classes are structured (the base classes for CompanyStatus are used all over the place), I started to get compilation errors, and as I wasnt sure whether that would be the problem, I didnt want to go and start hunting those down. Is that your gut feeling? Do you think that would be the source issue here?