5 Replies Latest reply on Mar 9, 2012 7:22 PM by maxandersen

    Remote Server Configuration does not match JBoss 7 directory layout




      In Eclipse Runtime Server, I'm trying to configure a remote Runtime Server.  (JBoss 7.1, running in a CentOS VM).


      It looks like the Remote Server Configuration is hard coded to the directory structure of JBoss 6 or earlier and does not work with JBoss 7. The "Test" button obviously looks for the existence of path <Remote Server Home> + "/server/" + <Remote Server Configuration>


      Problem 1: The JBoss AS 7 layout obviously does no longer have a "server/" directory.


      {code}mkdir server

      cd server

      ln -s ../standalone


      Problem 2: The default value "default" in the field Remote Server Configuration will not work, there is no default/ in JBoss 7.

      Problem 3: How to specify the standalone-full.xml profile, which resides in the standalone/configuration/ directory?


      Problem 4: The claim "The remote server is properly configured." by just testing for the existence of the remote directory is far from my expectation of a rudimentary, static server configuration analysis... I pointed it to an empty directory and it still claimed that the remote server is properly configured.


      Could someone please confirm my findings?

        • 1. Re: Remote Server Configuration does not match JBoss 7 directory layout

          Which version of JBoss Tools are you using ? In our latest beta build I dont see the test button that sounds like a bug in it self.


          That said let me try and outline how it is supposed to work:


          A) the configuration of the remote server is assumed to the same/similar as your local configuration - so if you configure the local runtime to use standalone-full.xml then that is what the remote server will be started with if you dont have "assume server started" selected (then it will just try and connect)


          B) The test simply verifies the directories and structures it expects are there - we don't try and verify the full structure (modules, etc.) but we should check for the files we know should be there for the startup - such as the xml file.


          If you find areas/checks we don't cover or other behavior being bad please report as bug in https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBIDE



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          • 2. Re: Remote Server Configuration does not match JBoss 7 directory layout

            slightly confused, which one is the relevant. org.jboss.tools seems right, but JBossASTools seems related as well: "Provides WTP server adapters for JBoss installations"

              JBoss Tools Java Standard Tools3.3.0.v20111208-2115-H35-M5org.jboss.tools.jst.feature.feature.groupnull
              JBossAS Tools2.3.0.v20111213-1423-H61-M5org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.feature.feature.groupJBoss by Red Hat


            Quite not so obvious as well: I need a local JBoss installation that mirrors the remote installation because for the JBoss runtime Environment in Eclipse I have to locally choose the appropriate Configuration File, with which the remote server will be started (well, the file name itself is the important thing, isn't it?). Is my understanding correct?


            Problem 5: When I browse and select the file standalone-full.xml with the dialog, the Configuration File of the JBoss Server Runtime Environment shows an absolute path: "C:\Users\djabba\Documents\devel\appserver\jboss-as-7.1.0.Final\standalone\configuration\standalone-full.xml". If I try to use that RE with a local server I get an exception:

            {code}00:05:53,542 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] JBoss Modules version 1.1.1.GA

            java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBAS014805: Could not get main file: C:\Users\djabba\Documents\devel\appserver\jboss-as-7.1.0.Final\standalone\configuration\standalone-full.xml. Specified files must be relative to the configuration dir: C:\Users\djabba\Documents\devel\appserver\jboss-as-7.1.0.Final\standalone\configuration

                at org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationFile.determineMainFile(ConfigurationFile.java:148)


            workaround: Strip the path, only the file name remains: "standalone-full.xml"


            Problem 6: I am not able to start the remote server. The Server Runtime in Eclipse is able to detect if on the remote server a JBoss on port 9999 (management) is already running. It is able to connect and stop it. But starting does not work. It displays "Starting" for a few seconds, then "Started, Synchronized". If I'm having a look on the server, there is no jboss process or running server.

            • 3. Re: Remote Server Configuration does not match JBoss 7 directory layout

              Yeah this has definitely changed in upcoming beta but there seem to be a "glitch" still concerning choosing the config file for remote control.


              Please try the upcoming beta (will be out next week).


              But there for sure need to be some more things fixed in this area - feel very free to open bugs with issues you find on the beta.

              • 4. Re: Remote Server Configuration does not match JBoss 7 directory layout

                Hi Max

                thanks for your help. I'll give the beta a try.

                I'll report some of the problems in a day or two. (Just wanted to be sure before I open a bug report, hence this discussion)

                best regards

                • 5. Re: Remote Server Configuration does not match JBoss 7 directory layout

                  Yes and you are free to discuss it here too


                  I can see some of the remote server functionallity have been fixed (especially concerning launching) but I did find it missing a way to control which config file is used remotely.