3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 13, 2009 4:40 AM by timfox

    Questio on setting group association in delivery algo


      Another question:

      Currently the group--consumer association is set before the consumer has handled the reference:

      final SimpleString groupID = reference.getMessage().getSimpleStringProperty(MessageImpl.HDR_GROUP_ID);
       if (groupID != null)
       Consumer groupConsumer = groups.putIfAbsent(groupID, consumer);
       if (groupConsumer != null && groupConsumer != consumer)
       HandleStatus status = handle(reference, consumer);

      And then, if the consumer doesn't handle it, it is removed:

      else if (status == HandleStatus.NO_MATCH)
       // if consumer filter reject the message make sure it won't be assigned the message group
       if (groupID != null)

      Why not just set it after the consumer has handled it, then you know it's been handled?

        • 1. Re: Questio on setting group association in delivery algo

          yes, it'd be simpler to set the consumer after the message is handled.

          besides, the current code is dead wrong:

          else if (status == HandleStatus.NO_MATCH)
           // if consumer filter reject the message make sure it won't be assigned the messag
          e group
           if (groupID != null)

          groups.remove() must be called with the key (groupID), not with the value (consumer).
          As it is written now, it is possible to keep a consumer with a non-matching filter to a group!

          • 2. Re: Questio on setting group association in delivery algo

            Good catch.

            Another thing I don't understand is this:

            if (groupConsumer != null && groupConsumer != consumer)

            I don't see how this code would ever be executed since the group association is always protected by a synchronized lock.

            • 3. Re: Questio on setting group association in delivery algo

              Actually, scratch that. The code is done before handle for a purpose, otherwise the wrong consumer could get the message.