2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 13, 2012 3:55 PM by baddeley84

    SEAM servlet injection




      I have what seems to be a basic question from a SEAM beginner, I have a standard http servlet (provided by Paypal Express Checkout) which verifies a paypal payment, once the response from paypal has been recieved I need to access my managed beans to process the payment on my side, I am guessing the best way to do this is inject the beans into the servlet, but I keep getting a NPE, I have tried a variety of methods including...


      @In PaymentBean paymentBean

      PaymentBean paymentBean = (PaymentBean) Contexts.getConversationContext().get("PaymentBean")

      = ((PaymentBean)Component.getInstance("paymentBean"));


      But keep getting null values


      Am I missing something, should I be injecting the servlet response into the managed bean instead?


      Help appreciated




      -JBoss AS 6

      -SEAM 2.2