8 Replies Latest reply on Mar 19, 2012 12:12 PM by jsf_pk

    Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup




      I have a scenario where if my button enabled I have to call a bean method and redirect to another page and if button not enabled just hide the popup.


      Code below

        • 1. Re: Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup

          <rich:popupPanel id="view_Req" model="true" autosized="true">

                              <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Status Update"/> </f:facet>


                              <legend><h:outputText value="Status"/></legend>


                              <a4j:outputPanel id="status_viewPanel">

                                  <h:form id="view_StatusForm">

                                          <h:selectOneRadio id="selectRadioValue" value="#{viewWageBean.requestStatus}">

                                              <f:selectItem id= "I"  itemValue="I" itemLabel="InComplete"/>

                                              <f:selectItem id= "C"  itemValue="C" itemLabel="Complete" />

                                              <f:selectItem id= "U"  itemValue="U" itemLabel="Unable to Complete"/>



                                      <a4j:commandButton id="okButton" value="OK" action="#{viewWageBean.updateReqStatus}"/>

                                      <a4j:commandButton id="cancelButton" value="CANCEL" onclick="if (#{not viewWageBean.reaggDisabled}) updateName(); else #{rich:component('view_Req')}.hide();" />








          <a4j:jsFunction name="updateName" action="#{viewWageBean.popupToSearchResult}"/>


          I am calling jsFunction to call the bean method to redirect to another page.


          Could anyone have idea how to acheive this?

          • 2. Re: Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup

            I don't see any problem with the code. Any issues in doing this?..


            You can also achieve the same result by


            <a4j:commandButton id="cancelButton1" value="CANCEL" onclick="#{rich:component('view_Req')}.hide();" rendered="#{viewWageBean.reaggDisabled}"/>

            <a4j:commandButton id="cancelButton2" value="CANCEL" action="#{viewWageBean.popupToSearchResult}" rendered="#{ ! viewWageBean.reaggDisabled}"/>

            • 3. Re: Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup

              Only once it is working. After then, Only hide is called not the action.

              • 4. Re: Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup

                Check if you are rerendering the elements in the popup panel each time you change 'reaggDisabled' flag.

                show(), hide() will not rerender the popup elements.

                • 5. Re: Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup

                  Hi Mahes,


                  Sorry for the very late reply. I was outstationed.


                  Yes you're correct. The 2nd option (id = cancelButton2) is not rendering the button. I am calling this popup from another popup based on the condition.

                  <a4j:commandButton id="reagg_btn" value="Re-Aggregate" actionListener="#{viewWageBean.calReaggregate}" disabled="#{viewWageBean.reaggDisabled}" render="tapPanel,wageBtns,Message_info">   </a4j:commandButton>

                  <a4j:commandButton id="close_btn" value="Close"
                        onclick="if (#{!viewWageBean.reaggDisabled}) #{rich:component('save_exclusion')}.show(); else #{rich:component('view_Req')}.show();" />


                  When I click on the Close button, if the Re-Aggregate button is enabled, then I called the save_exclusion popup. In that PopUp, if user choose 'NO', then I call another popup View_Req. Here is the actual problem...


                  <rich:popupPanel id="save_exclusion" model="true" autosized="true">
                                <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Save Exclusions"/> </f:facet>
                                <a4j:outputPanel id="save_viewPanel">
                                 <h:form id="save_ViewStatusForm">
                                   You have made Exclusions, and need to Re-Aggregate.<br/>
                                   If you wish to close the screen and not Re-Aggregate <br/>
                                   Press 'NO' otherwise Press 'YES' and perform Re-Aggregation.
                         <a4j:commandButton id="okButton" value="YES" onclick="#{rich:component('save_exclusion')}.hide();"/>
                         <a4j:commandButton id="cancelButton" value="NO" onclick="#{rich:component('view_Req')}.show();"  oncomplete="#{rich:component('save_exclusion')}.hide();"/>

                  But the state is not passing here? Any idea how to resolve this?

                  • 6. Re: Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup

                    try re-rendering 'okButton', 'cancelButton' when user clicks on 'Close' button


                    <a4j:commandButton id="close_btn" value="Close" render="okButton,cancelButton"

                          onclick="if (#{!viewWageBean.reaggDisabled}) #{rich:component('save_exclusion')}.show(); else #{rich:component('view_Req')}.show();" />

                    • 7. Re: Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup

                      adding ajaxRendered="true" for <a4j:outputPanel id="save_viewPanel" ajaxRendered="true"> should work too..

                      • 8. Re: Conditional onclick is not working in rich:popup

                        Thanks Mahes,


                        It is working now. Those rendered attributes are working after you suggest to put the ajaxRendered="true". I can do cancel in one scenario and redirect to another page in another scenario.