2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2012 4:53 AM by anonym365451

    RF 4.2: rich:notifyMessages does not work any more



      I updated from RF 4.1.0.Final to 4.2.0.Final.

      rich:notifyMessages does not work any more. No messages are displayed.

      With RF 4.1. this works fine.


      My code is:

      <rich:notifyStack id="globalStack" position="topRight" direction="vertical">

           <rich:notifyMessages ajaxRendered="true" globalOnly="true" stayTime="5000" stack="globalStack" showDetail="true" showSummary="true" showCloseButton="true"/>



      A message is send with following java code in an actionListener:

      FacesMessage msgFacesMessage = new FacesMessage();


      msgFacesMessage.setSummary("Test message");


      FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msgFacesMessage);


      Does anyone have this problem too?

      Is there a way to get it work again?


      best regards,

