0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2012 12:01 AM by gustavopollitzer

    when a rich:popupPanel has one or more inner forms, the first one is ignored


      A good way to overcome the form nesting limitation, when the page design allows it, is to use rich:popupPanel with domElementAttachmet="body". This way the elements in the rich:popupPanel are reparented to the page's body, avoiding any form that were wrapping the <rich:popup> tag. Unfortunately, there is a bug whose effect is to ignore the first popupPanel's inner form tag. The first form tag is not rendered but its children remain. To avoid this issue is very simple: Insert an empty form tag before the first form.


      The code below reproduces the error:

      (RichRaces v4.2.0 and JBoss AS v7.1.1 runtime)



      <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"











                          <h:inputText id="itOne" value="#{mb.propertyOne}" />

                          <h:inputText id="itTwo" value="#{mb.propertyTwo}" />

                          <h:inputText id="itThree" value="#{mb.propertyThree}" />

                          <h:commandButton value="commit all" />

                          <br />



                          <h:button value="open"

                                    onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.show();return false;" />

                          <rich:popupPanel id="popup" modal="true" domElementAttachment="body"

                                    autosized="true" moveable="true">

                                    <f:facet name="header">Drag handle</f:facet>

                                    <f:facet name="controls">

                                              <h:button value="X" onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.hide();" />



                                    <h:form/> <!-- WORK ARROUND: because the bug effect is to ignore the first form, this emtpy form is sacrificed to safe the next -->


                                    <h:form>Form One

                                              <h:inputText value="#{mb.propertyOne}" />

                                              <a4j:commandButton value="commit form one" render="itOne" />


                                    <br />

                                    <h:form>Form Two

                                              <h:inputText value="#{mb.propertyTwo}" />

                                              <a4j:commandButton value="commit form two" render="itTwo" />


                                    <br />

                                    <h:form>Form Three

                                              <h:inputText value="#{mb.propertyThree}" />

                                              <a4j:commandButton value="commit form three" render="itThree" />


                                    <br />

                                    <h:button value="close" onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.hide();" />







      Backing bean


      package com.intelap.pruebas.prototipoCambTec.facades;



      import java.io.Serializable;



      import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;

      import javax.inject.Named;





      public class TestPopupMB implements Serializable {

                private String propertyOne;

                private String propertyTwo;

                private String propertyThree;



                public String getPropertyOne() {

                          return propertyOne;


                public void setPropertyOne(String propertyOne) {

                          this.propertyOne = propertyOne;


                public String getPropertyTwo() {

                          return propertyTwo;


                public void setPropertyTwo(String propertyTwo) {

                          this.propertyTwo = propertyTwo;


                public String getPropertyThree() {

                          return propertyThree;


                public void setPropertyThree(String propertyThree) {

                          this.propertyThree = propertyThree;


