0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 22, 2012 5:02 AM by gjastrzebski

    I'm not able to set my own arrow icons in rich:listShuttle


      Greetings all,


      I'm using Richfaces 3.3.3, I'm not able to set my own arrow icons for ordering buttons

      in rich:listShuttle. Is there any way to do this ?


      There are 8 kind of buttons (Copy all, Copy etc.)

      but on each button there is one the same class style "rich-ordering-control-img".

      Beside icons are placing by src attribute. So this is not helpfull.


      Here is an example of one button:


      <div onmouseout="this.className='rich-list-shuttle-button'"





         <a onfocus="Richfaces.Control.onfocus(this);"

                 onblur="Richfaces.Control.onblur(this);" class="rich-list-shuttle-button-selection"

                 onclick="return false;" id="mainForm:participantscopyAlllink">


                <div class="rich-list-shuttle-button-content">

                <img src="/AdminConsole/a4j/g/3_3_3.Finalorg.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.ListShuttleIconCopyAll/DATB/eAFjYGD49OkzAAWzAtg_"

                alt="" class="rich-ordering-control-img">

                Copy all</div>

