1 2 Previous Next 17 Replies Latest reply on Sep 20, 2012 6:38 PM by fastroller

    Why @ViewScope and Seam Managed Persistence Context doesn't work?


      Hello friends,


      How I use Seam Managed Persistence Context with @ViewScope? When I put:








      private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;


      This messege is showed: The annotation @ViewScoped is disallowed for this location


      So for test I use:







      private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;


      And my JSF Managed Bean:




      public class ClienteAction implements Serializable


      The EntityManager created by the seam is an EntityManager managed, it show like this: EntityManager$ManagedPersistenceContext$1828725225$Proxy$_$$_WeldClientProxy  (id=155)

      But when I test if an Entity is managed(entityManager.contains(entity)) the entity is managed only in the first ajax request, I think as, for each request a new conversation is created, therefore in the first ajax request the entity is managed by the entityManager.

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