2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 26, 2012 9:22 AM by vatsanm

    Fronting Apache to provide ssl for WS


      I have aquestionon how to setup apache for SSL so that KB can provide the WS over https .  I have ajp working so that if you do https over the ajp port to get WSDL , it port forards and all is fine and I get the WSDL back.  In my web.xml, I have the security constraints enabled for my WS and and https in the standalone.xml, I am able to get the WSDL off the server, but when I use soapUI to execute a service, soapUI times out.  any idea how I can fix it? 


      https://my.example.com:29990/etmservice/service/oas?wsdlhttps://my.examplehttps://my.example.com:29990/etmservice/service/oas?wsdl.com:29990/etmservice/service/oas?wsdl     <-- gives WSDl back with port proper.


      ****** WSDL snippet ******

      - <wsdl:service name="MyService">

      - <wsdl:port binding="tns:MyServiceSoapBinding" name="OasServicePort">





      if I use http instead of https, it works perfectly when I turn off https and security-constarint tag in web.xml.  As you can see above, even though my ajp port was set to 29991 in standalone, the WSDL still poits at 19991 (my https port).


      What am I not doing correctly?