0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 27, 2012 7:29 AM by srd.pl

    problems with rich:scrollabledatatable headers


      I have problem wih customizing the column headers in a rich:scrollabledatatable.


      The problems are the following:

      a)I can't hide white column separators bewteen the header celss

      b)I would like to place one long image as a background for the column headers


      I tried the following css aproach to achieve that with no results so far:

      a) I set all border-right, border-left etc. to 0px in my header classes which assing to the columns by headerClass="myClass". However there is still a white line between each header. I was setting the border, border-right, border-left, border-right-width, border-left-width to 0px in the following classes: .rich-sdt-header-cell, .rich-sdt-hsplit, .rich-sdt-header-cell-body, .rich-sdt-hsep, .rich-sdt-hc. I have also disabled the column resizing by setting

      .rich-sdt-hsep {


          border: 0px;

          border-right-width: 0px;

          border-left-width: 0px;


      .dr-sdt-hsep {


          border: 0px;

          border-right-width: 0px;

          border-left-width: 0px;



      I know that this must be some other class than my header classes because I can manipulate all 4 borders within them and I see my changes - so if I set the to 0px they are definately not shown - it must be something else that is visible and draws this lines.


      b) I tried seeting the background image in the css class for headers row:




          background-image: url(resources/table_header.jpg);

          background-repeat: no-repeat;

          position: absolute;

          bottom: 0px;




      I was testing each element separately to make sure that I don't make some kind of mistake here. Does any one have some kind of advice here?