0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 27, 2012 3:20 PM by ncarrasco2006

    Expanding a node of a Tree programatically



      I am migrating a application from Richfaces 3.X to Richfaces 4.2 .


      I am having problems finding how to expand a node.


      In richfaces 3.X I did something like:


      TreeState state = (TreeState) uiTree.getComponentState();

      TreeRowKey parentRowTree = (TreeRowKey) uiTree.getParentRowKey(treeRowKey);


      try {

          state.expandNode(uiTree, parentRowTree);

      } catch (IOException e) {




      Unfortunately, TreeState class is not more at Richfaces 4 and I haven't find a way to do that.


      Thanks in advance,
